Page name: Movie Maniacs [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-04-24 17:06:17
Last author: Melkor
Owner: Melkor
# of watchers: 10
Fans: 0
D20: 3
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Hey there folks, [Melkor] here. I decided to finally make a wiki page and because I love movies so much it was the first thing that came to me so if your a bit of a movie freak join up.

You do not need permission to join just go to the Member wiki, edit the page and add your name to the list, it's that simple. Once you've added your name you can take a banner, start commenting and enjoy.

Links: - Great for info on upcoming movies. - A good site that I mainly use for information and the cast pf certain movies.

Movie Maniacs Members List
Movie Maniacs Banners Once you've joined you can use a Banner for your house.
Movie Quiz If you think you know alot about Movie Trivia then give it a try.

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2004-05-27 [Melkor]: Lets get this party started

2004-05-27 [Magen.]: muhahahahahahahahahahahaha

2004-05-27 [Melkor]: Hows about a little game?! Can anyone name the movie which the following quote is from "Kiss me I'm Irish" (It's a pretty old horror)

2004-05-27 [Magen.]: :S what the hellllll

2004-05-27 [Melkor]: WRONG, WISEMAN!!!

2004-05-27 [Fallen_Angel_666]: i donno lol i haven't seen alot of old horrors i like the new ones better! lol

2004-05-27 [Melkor]: Pfft your all rubbish it was Leprechaun 2 ok here's an easier question: What was the Prequel to Silence of the Lambs called?

2004-05-27 [Fallen_Angel_666]: Red dragon??

2004-05-27 [Melkor]: Correct!!! your turn

2004-05-27 [Melkor]: Actually I just had an Idea I'll add a quiz page

2004-05-27 [amyleewolf14]: Does anyone know the movie b4 Silence of the Lambs?

2004-05-27 [Melkor]: Yes it was Red Dragon lol [Fallen_Angel_666] answered it =p

2004-05-27 [Finnguala]: whoooh!

2004-05-27 [Fallen_Angel_666]: in ginger snaps 2 what was the name of the little girl (the one who cut out ppl from comics and improved them to her liking) who burned her aunt and kept the werewolf as a pet?

2004-05-28 [amyleewolf14]: i meant b4 that (b4 red dragon)... :P

2004-05-28 [Melkor]: The quiz has moved to Movie quiz

2004-05-29 [Melkor]: Went to see 'The Day after Tomorrow' last night anyone else seen it yet?

2004-05-30 [Magen.]: this is odd....

2004-05-30 [Melkor]: ...yes, it is! ^_^

2004-05-30 [GoHaN_YO_DuDe]: ME WANT TO JOIN! I'M A MOVIE FREAK!!!!!!! :D

2004-05-31 [Dumpysaurus]: Coherent conversation be damned, I'M HERE!!!

2004-06-01 [Magen.]: Melkors fan club , muahahahha

2004-06-01 [Melkor]: SHHHHHHHHHH....

2004-06-01 [greekgirlfriend]: HELLO <- __ ->

2004-06-01 [Tiffie]: lol

2004-06-01 [Dumpysaurus]: My brain is alllll fuzzy.

2004-06-01 [Tiffie]: lol

2004-06-01 [Magen.]: lmao

2004-06-01 [Tiffie]: magen u smell !!!

2004-06-02 [Dumpysaurus]: Let's talk about moooovieeeees!!! Or weasels. Either one.

2004-06-02 [Magen.]: heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy , i do not!

2004-06-03 [Melkor]: It's true.... Magen you do smell >.< HA FEEL THE BURN

2004-06-03 [Tiffie]: lmao

2004-06-03 [Magen.]: fuck you , and FUCK YOU TOO TIFFANY

2004-06-03 [Tiffie]: hehe...u wish X-X

2004-06-03 [Magen.]: grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! *bites burnt-out-elf's head off*

2004-06-03 [Tiffie]: OUCH!

2004-06-03 [Tiffie]: u BASTERD!

2004-06-03 [Dumpysaurus]: *slowly backs away and runs for life*

2004-06-03 [Tiffie]: lmao

2004-06-03 [Dumpysaurus]: Here's some glue. You know, to gyabo.

2004-06-03 [Melkor]: Handy Jen

2004-06-03 [Magen.]: Muahahahahahaha


2004-06-03 [greekgirlfriend]: came to vent dont mind me

2004-06-04 [Magen.]:  >.<

2004-06-04 [Magen.]: ><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>>

2004-06-04 [Tiffie]: ..........

2004-06-04 [Magen.]: ^-^

2004-06-04 [Melkor]: yeah, well....

2004-06-06 [Magen.]: >.< .... I'm odd

2004-06-06 [Tiffie]: no ya think??

2004-06-06 [Melkor]: and strange and wierd and fweaky ><

2004-06-06 [Tiffie]: lol


2004-06-09 [Dumpysaurus]: *hugs an armload of sharks* One of the coolest things I've seen was a live, unborn stingray in its egg. Relevant? No.

2004-06-10 [Melkor]: I love stingray's I HAVE TOUCHED THEM!

2004-06-12 [Dumpysaurus]: ME TOO! At Seaworld. They feel like saturated pancakes. They're so neat!

2004-06-19 [Melkor]: Peoples, peoples you have to watch Princess Mononoke if you like Anime it's so kool

2004-06-20 [Dumpysaurus]: hayell, you don't even have to like anime! It's such a good movie. I've never seen anything else like it!

2004-07-04 [Tiffie]: lets get the party started *starts danceing* ..woohoo.. do da boogie!!!

2004-07-04 [greekgirlfriend]: *shoots gun * thats better

2004-07-04 [Tiffie]: AHH!!!

2004-07-04 [Tiffie]: mauaha... BUT THE DEAD CAN DANCE * starts danceing to the monsta mash*

2004-07-04 [greekgirlfriend]: *does a banishing ritual* thats better ... peace and quite

2004-07-04 [amyleewolf14]: lmao... *pats [greekgirlfriend] on the head* down girl...

2004-07-04 [amyleewolf14]: lmao... *pats [greekgirlfriend] on the head* down girl...

2004-07-04 [amyleewolf14]: lmao... *pats [greekgirlfriend] on the head* down girl...

2004-07-05 [greekgirlfriend]: *growls ... hisses ... and showes fangs*

2004-07-05 [amyleewolf14]: hey! thats my line!!! u twit! *growls* *hisses and shows fangs* *lunges at you, sinks fangs in*

2004-07-05 [Tiffie]: *pops back up , dose the boogie*

2004-07-05 [greekgirlfriend]: *slices [Tiffie] in half with at katana* how many times do i have to kill you

2004-07-05 [greekgirlfriend]: *blockes and lunges with katana*

2004-07-05 [Tiffie]: *still dances* .. dead can dance!!

2004-07-05 [greekgirlfriend]: *does a banishing ritual* do you even no what this is ... probly not ... brainless bitch ... *hisses*

2004-07-05 [Tiffie]: no i dont .. be nice *crys* im only danceing.. im not a bitch :(

2004-07-05 [greekgirlfriend]: yes you are a bitch - i should no i am one - a banishing ritual is a ritual to banish anything - wicca religion - i can banish ghosts if i want and i do so shut up and heres a brain cell to keep the one you have company

2004-07-05 [Tiffie]: aww..thank you for the brain cell ^-^.. i feel so loved

2004-07-05 [greekgirlfriend]: so now you have two brain cells ... oops ... one just died

2004-07-05 [Tiffie]: aww.. poooor poor brain cell.. it lived a good life *sniff*

2004-07-05 [greekgirlfriend]: *buries you 25 feet under*

2004-07-05 [Tiffie]: YAY! * dose the boogie in my coffine* WOOHHOOO ... ph uea party in here oh yea party in herrre

2004-07-05 [greekgirlfriend]: good now that the noise is over

2004-07-05 [amyleewolf14]: dont u know when to stop? damn...

2004-07-05 [greekgirlfriend]: no *inocent smile*

2004-07-05 [Tiffie]: no ^-^ .. * tuirns the music up lauder so u can hear it* MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHA

2004-07-05 [amyleewolf14]: irritating wench....

2004-07-05 [amyleewolf14]: the stop thing wasnt directed towards u [greekgirlfriend]....

2004-07-05 [amyleewolf14]: jeez.... cant u take a hint [Tiffie]? ur irritating her! and for that matter, me too....

2004-07-05 [Tiffie]: i know im a angel sent from heaven .. to anouy you * halo*

2004-07-05 [greekgirlfriend]: still cant here music ... *turns on Evanescence*

2004-07-05 [amyleewolf14]: halo my ass.... *smirks* ...... *sings to evanescence*

2004-07-05 [Tiffie]: biatches...

2004-07-05 [amyleewolf14]: bitch is my nickname so w/e... thanks for the compliment... if i have to, ill go into details...

2004-07-05 [greekgirlfriend]: your the bitch ... i told you that a while ago

2004-07-05 [Tiffie]: *halo* , yea im a bitch .. but i dont care what u tink * dances*

2004-07-05 [greekgirlfriend]: theres no such thing

2004-07-05 [amyleewolf14]: wha?

2004-07-05 [Tiffie]: huh?

2004-07-05 [amyleewolf14]: *growls*

2004-07-05 [Tiffie]: *barks*

2004-07-05 [greekgirlfriend]: *hisses and shows fangs*

2004-07-05 [amyleewolf14]: lmao... that was stupid.... *growls* *hisses and shows fangs* *lunges at you, scratches with pointy claws, jumps back (away from u)*

2004-07-05 [greekgirlfriend]: shut up ... both of you ... *eyes turn red*

2004-07-05 [amyleewolf14]: u stole my saying again!!!! damn u!!!

2004-07-05 [amyleewolf14]: *eyes turn black* fuckers!

2004-07-05 [greekgirlfriend]: *growls* *hisses and shows fangs* *lunges at you, scratches with pointy claws, jumps back (away from u)*

2004-07-05 [Tiffie]: *pops back up , dose the boogie*

2004-07-05 [greekgirlfriend]: im outa here before i will do something that will get me killed ... by courtnie not the poor excuse for a human

2004-07-05 [amyleewolf14]: damnit.... u stole it in complete entirety.... ur bein a bitch... lol... cool... *shoots up to the ceiling and hisses*... sry... underworld moment... hehe.... vampies rock... but anyways *lunges at greekgirlfriend and tears at flesh on neck viciously*

2004-07-05 [Tiffie]: HAH!

2004-07-05 [greekgirlfriend]: i didnt do anything yet ... yet

2004-07-05 [Tiffie]: *gets scared shitless*... *runs to the out house*

2004-07-05 [amyleewolf14]: *bah*... w/e.... u steal all of my sayings and rping work, so w/e u throw at me, im sure that ive already done it....

2004-07-05 [amyleewolf14]: but, lets gang up on her.... knock the out house over? *grins evilly*

2004-07-05 [greekgirlfriend]: lol

2004-07-05 [amyleewolf14]: so, shall we?

2004-07-05 [Tiffie]: AHH.. IVE SHIT MY PANTs!!.. *throws away undies*.. of yea rebel style now !.. *runs home gets new understuff*

2004-07-05 [greekgirlfriend]: *growes black roting wings* say hello to the queen hell *smirkes and draws katana*

2004-07-05 [amyleewolf14]: tmi.... way tmi....

2004-07-05 [amyleewolf14]: hmm.... shall i use it? i think i shall... get ur ass back over here burnt-out-elf... *sticks out hand and draws you back by unseen force*

2004-07-05 [Tiffie]: :|

2004-07-05 [greekgirlfriend]: shall we *looks at [amyleewolf14] and smirks* *katana gleems in the light and is stained with black and red blood* some of the blood is mine ... now ill have my fun with you

2004-07-05 [Tiffie]: :|

2004-07-05 [Tiffie]: im gonna go now

2004-07-05 [amyleewolf14]: help urself [greekgirlfriend].... *sits back and watches*

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